“He who manages his time manages his life…”
Time is life in essence and what you do with it and how it’s managed determines your success rate at any given task, so here are a few golden tips on maximizing time.
1. Prioritize:
A priority chart will help you filter through your tasks in the other of importance; time bound deliverables, domino task and so on. This helps take pressure off you and helps narrow your focus to each one as at when due.
2. Have a ‘to do’ list:
If you want to fully comprehend the magnitude of work in front of you then a to-do list is highly advised. It also helps you not forget anything and even when you do, while drafting out the list it aids remembrance.
3. Be flexible:
Rigidity isn’t one of the languages of a good multitasking and it is a strong element when accomplishing your assignments. Learning how to skip a task to the next one is of the ought-most importance so you don’t get struck trying to fix a challenge you simply can’t handle at the moment.
4. Do the right thing right:
When addressing a task, simply do it the proper way especially when it has a set of guidelines to help you accomplish it. If done anyway but the right way you’ll spend double the required time on it and frustration could quickly set in.
5. Conquer procrastination:
With procrastination in play, every single task is dragged on and eats into the time of anther set assignment. This ensures you’re late at every deliverable and that simply isn’t how to achieve successful outcomes.
6. Avoid being a perfectionist:
Getting assignments done in the best way possible is admirable but once you discover you want everything done “perfectly” and you can’t seem to appreciate all your efforts over a task because of this then you need to drop the perfectionist trait and focus on delivering excellent work instead.
Have a great edge today.