Growing tension for parents as Private Schools may soon close up…

Akin Akinpelu (CEO of Erudio Hub) moderated a round table between the Private Schools Administrators and Lagos State Parastatals (Chairmen of LGEAs, LASPARK, LAWMA, Drivers Institute, CUPSAIL, etc) as organized by the Ministry of Education. The Issue: The State does not have the capaciity and infrastructure to provide education for 20 million people.This means the …

Growing tension for parents as Private Schools may soon close up… Read More »


Akin Akinpelu got endorsed as a thought leader globally today as forbes publishes his article on “4 Tips for effective Business Networking”. Sneak Peak:Business networking is about connecting not just with potential customers or clients, but also with other people who may recommend business to you or … Read the full article here and its …


Akin Akinpelu accepted into Forbes Coaches Council

Akin Akinpelu is thereby accepted into Forbes Coaches Council, July 2022. Forbes Coaches Council is an Invitation-Only Community for Leading Business and Career Coaches. Akin Akinpelu was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth …

Akin Akinpelu accepted into Forbes Coaches Council Read More »

brown, white butterfly, butterflies

Just Evolve

The phone is a fantastic device made for the good of man. Even though the great scientist, Alexander Graham Bell, intended that the device be used to transmit voice messages, it is today being used for much more than that. The features of the telephone now includes the following and more: message waiting, voice mail, …

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crossfit, determination, difficult

Stay Dogged

One thing you’ve got to understand is that in life, you will have more than enough reasons not to take action in the right direction but you must remind yourself that there will be effects for that cause.  There will always be a corresponding effect for your action and or inaction. Life will seem unfair …

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